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Online Teaching and Learning Resource Guide For Faculty

This guide is intended to help faculty learn about library services and resources available during remote learning

What are Tools for Active Learning?

The library staff is available to support you as you prepare for online instruction.  In addition to traditional library instruction, we can set up individual consultations to help faculty navigate and implement no-cost tools available for creating a dynamic remote learning experience for themselves and their students. Library staff are available to help students complete coursework using these tools as well.

The pages that follow include examples of what is possible. Each page includes a description of the technology and examples of work completed using the tool.  We recommend reviewing a number of the available tools, especially ones with which you are not already familiar.  If you cannot find a tool that suits your learning outcomes for a particular assignment or session, please know that this list is not exhaustive and there may be other options available.  Reach out to us at with questions or about any tool that interests you to discuss further.

In-Class Engagement Strategies

These tools can be used to prompt a discussion or demonstrate a concept during an online class.

Supplemental Course Content

Supplemental content created or curated by faculty & students, with the assistance of librarians, that expands upon coursework. This content, consumed asynchronously and adapted for online learning, will help deepen one's understanding of their primary subject. 


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