Common sources like books and journal articles have a very standardized citation form, and their citation information (like author, title, publication date, etc) is usually easy to find and understand. But when we deal with certain other platforms of information--Instagram, Youtube, DVDs, unpublished manuscripts--and types of sources--videos, social media posts, music covers, live performances--citation can become a little bit more complex, for two reasons:
1. Sometimes, citation information is harder to identify or locate: There may be no author, or multiple possible authors, there may be no actual "title," there may be multiple publication and update dates, or no publication date at all
2. Sometimes, the same actual source--say, a film--will be cited differently depending on how you viewed it--say, on DVD vs Netflix vs Youtube.
When you cite the sources on this page, you will want to think carefully about what the source itself is, and where/how you accessed the source--often, you will include information about both of these!
Social Media Sources
Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, and Similar
Account Name[@UsernameIfDifferent]. "Start of the post, if the post is long..." Platform, Date Month Year, Time, URL.
Account Name. "Entirety of the post, if the post is short, including all Twitter posts." Platform, Date Month Year, Time, URL.
Account Name. "Title of Post, if the Post Has a Title." Platform, Date Month Year, Time, URL.
Legal and Government Sources
Legislation, online; format varies based on source
Government Entity. “Title of Report/Law.” Website Name, Year. URL.
Government Entity. Title of Report/Law. Government Printing Office, Year. Website Name, URL.
Government Report
Supreme Court Record
Legal Brief
Citing Interviews
Personal Interview, conducted over phone by you
see below
Interview, on Youtube
Interviewee. Title of Video. Title of Account/Container, Interviewed by [], Date Month Year, URL. Youtube.
Radio Interview
Podcast Interview
Interviewee. "Episode Title." Title of Show, Interviewed by [], Produced by [], Episode #, Date Month Year, URL.
Interview from an Archive
Interview Transcript
Report Written and Published by Organization, online
Title of Report. Organization, Publication Date. Website Name, URL.
Song on Streaming Platform
Artist. "Song Title." Album if Any, Other Contributors if any, Upload/Release Date if Any, Platform, URL
Song on CD
For more information on how to choose who gets listed as the "primary contributor" and "other contributors," see Section 1. For more information on including the format at the end of the citation, see Section 6: Supplemental Elements.
Artist. "Song Title." Album, Other Contributors, Production Company, Release Date, timestamp. CD
Song Cover
Note that both citations below are for the same cover of the same song by the same artist, but the title is different--the citation should include the exact title text of the source you use.
Covering Artist, Performance. "Song Title." Platform, Music and lyrics composed by Artist, [all other information pertaining to the cover].
Film and TV
Film or TV, on a Streaming Platform
Primary Contributor. "Episode Title." Title of Show, Other Contributors, Season #, Episode #, Production Company, Release Date. Platform, URL.
Audiovisual Recording of a Performance
This depends almost entirely on where you are accessing the source! Overall, it should have the name of the director or primary performer, the title of the recording, and whatever other information is available--that might be the original performance date, other performers or contributors, sponsoring or producing company, viewing platform, etc.
Audiovisual Sources: Podcast and Radio
Podcast Episode
For the citation format for podcast interviews, see the section on Interviews.
Podcast Host. "Title of Episode." Podcast Name, Other Contributors, episode #, Production Company If Any, Release Date, URL.
There is a range of kinds of uploads on Youtube, and therefore the range of ways something from Youtube might be cited. The main variable will be whether the video is uploaded by someone who had a part in the creation or release of the video, or by a third party. MLA generally prefers that you cite using only the information included in the video and description, rather than finding additional information on other websites. It is also preferable to find an official version of a video, film, song, etc, to ensure that the information associated with the source is complete and accurate.
Original Video or Video Uploaded by Authorized Party: Account Name. "Title of Video." Album/Series Information If It Exists. Youtube, Production/Licensing Company, Upload Date, URL
This video has been created and produced by the person who uploaded it.
This video has been uploaded by the performer to her official Youtube channel; there is also a production/licensing company involved, and the song was released as part of a larger album.
This video has been officially licensed for Youtube to upload; the video information includes the album information, additional attribution, etc. The release date of the album and the upload date to Youtube are different; while only the upload date is required by MLA, both can be included.
Video from Third Party
"Title of Video." Youtube, Uploaded by, [as much information as available], upload date, URL.
When at all possible, it is better to use an official source. This is not so much due to copyright issues, but rather because authorized versions are more likely to have complete, correct information about the artist, producer, release date etc, as well as to include the full, complete source.
This example is of a short clip from an episode of a TV show. This source may lack the context and reliability you might get from watching the full episode; it also does not include helpful citation information about the creation of the original source.
This example is a fan-made lyric video. It does include more citation information about the source, but not as much as the authorized Youtube video does. If you are citing the lyrics, it would also be preferable to use an official source to guarantee the accuracy.
Audiovisual Sources: Print Versions of Audio Sources
Sheet Music
Composer. "Music Title." Container Source If Any, Other Contributors if any, publication date of version, pp# if any, URL if any
Published Book: cite as a book; if the script is in a collection of plays, cite as a chapter of an edited book
Online: cite as a website, including what information the website includes
Theatrical Script That's Been Floating Around the Theatre Department Since 2001: include all information available
Of a podcast, on a website
The same episode transcript from two different websites
Of an oral history interview, in an archive
Item Title, Collection Title, Collection Number, Box Number, Date, Archive Location