Consider having a conversation with your class about your expectations regarding text generators and decide on a policy together. Some policies/statements to consider, especially if you want to include language on your syllabus:
If you are worried a text has been written by ChatGPT there are a few detector tools, although they are not 100% accurate:
Before you use an AI detector it is worth reading this piece "It’s Time to Step off the AI Panic Carousel Before We Harm our Students: We should not upload student work to AI text detectors without their consent." by Marc Warkins.
Guidance for Instructors from Yale's Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning outlines three key tips to ChatGPT in higher education:
In particular point 3 directly relates to academic integrity as students are less likely to cheat when they:
So if you do not want students to use ChatGPT in your class addressing those four points can go a long way.
Because of how new ChatGPT is, as of March 24 no style guides have released official citation guides for citing AI generated text. A few have released informal guidance on their blogs:
Because there isn't consensus yet, if you are asking or expecting students to use ChatGPT in their work it would be worth having a conversation with the class about how they collectively think it should be cited or credited.