The Policy on Academic Integrity, as adopted by the Board is available to all candidates. Academic dishonesty is prohibited in the City University of New York and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension, and expulsion. Please consult for the policy and other related information.
Copying the work of another author regardless of source, or the work of another student, is automatically grounds for failing the course. Using all or part of your own paper in multiple classes without prior permission is considered a form of plagiarism. This also includes asking people on professional lists-servs or working as professionals in the field to do your work for you.
All programs in New York State undergo periodic reviews by accreditation agencies. For these purposes, samples of candidates’ work are made available to those professionals conducting the review. Candidate anonymity is assured under these circumstances. If you do not wish to have your work made available for these purposes, please let the professor know before the start of the second class. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Candidates with disabilities needing academic accommodation should: (1) register with and provide documentation to the Special Services Office, Frese Hall Room 111; (2) bring a letter to your professor indicating the need for accommodation and what type. This should be done during the first week of class. For more information about services available to Queens College candidates, contact Special Services Office, Frese Hall Room 111: Telephone: 718-997-5870; Email: (Office/Testing Hours: Monday – Thursday: 8am – 6pm; Friday: 8am – 5pm; Saturday: 9am – 2pm).
Queens College Writing Center
The Queens College Writing Center provides its services and resources offered at no cost to QC students. The Center stresses the importance of writing well. You are encouraged to take advantage of these services and resources. For more information about the available services and resources, please consult
All papers submitted should be in Helvetica, 12 point font with one inch margins, a cover sheet, and a reference list. Papers should be written in competent, grammatically correct American English, using the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association style for organization, content, and citation format. Papers that do not meet these criteria will not be graded. Students should keep copies of all assignments submitted until they have been graded. Your instructor will discuss in class how to submit each paper.
Course Evaluation
Towards the end of the semester, access to online course evaluation will be enabled. Please remember to participate in the college online course evaluations. Your comments are highly valued, and these evaluations are an important service to fellow students and to the institution. Please also note that all responses are completely anonymous; no identifying information is retained once the evaluation has been submitted.
Participation and Conduct
Faculty and students are expected to behave in a professional manner, including participation that is inclusive, community-building, active, considerate, collaborative and respectful. Respectful behavior includes addressing each other by our preferred names and pronouns.
Degrading, disrespecting, insulting or harassing another person or group will not be tolerated. This includes in person or online abuse or any persistent and unwelcomed action that another person has notified you is unwelcome. Examples include: expressions of White supremacist ideology; offensive comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, neuro(a)typicality, physical appearance, body size, race or religion; deliberate misgendering or use of dead names; threats of violence or incitements to violence or self harm; intimidation; sustained disruption of discussion; unwelcome sexual attention; continued one-to-one communication after requests to cease; and the publication of non-harassing private communication.
We value freedom of speech when practiced in good faith, including rational debate and discussion, genuine exchanges of ideas, and spreading useful or enlightening information. White supremacy, hate speech and spreading disinformation will not be tolerated in GSLIS.
Queens College has a counseling service through which licensed psychologists, certified social workers, licensed professional counselors, and counseling interns supervised by professional staff offer individual counseling, groups, and referrals to appropriate college or community resources. All sessions are free and confidential. Students meet with counselors for many reasons, including:
For more information see:
If you are distressed and are seeking help, you can text the crisis text line:
Text CUNY to 741741 or you can call the New York City Helpline at: 1-888-692-9355.
The number for the National Suicide Hotline is: 1-800-273-8255.