Academic work is a shared enterprise that depends on a commitment to truthfulness.
SLC students are expected to abide by the standards of intellectual integrity that govern the broader academic community to which the College belongs:
1. Acknowledging the origin of the ideas, information, data, and forms of expression that one employs in one’s own work (including those produced using generative artificial intelligence)
2. Giving due credit to the sources from which one has borrowed and
3. Affording one’s reader a means of consulting those sources directly
The Sarah Lawrence College Student Handbook 2024-25 (pg. 20)
Key Concepts from the SLC Student Handbook
It is important to cite images just as you would text, ideas, or other creative works. Here are some quick links to how-to guides for how to cite images in different citation styles.
When conducting research it is always important to keep track of the searches you are performing and the sources you have found. In addition to this you will want to cite your sources in your work. To help make these steps easier check out our: