See the Articles & Databases page on this guide for more Psychology databases or use one of the guides listed in "Other Useful Guides" on this page to find other databases based on your topic's subject.
Useful Webpages, Organizations, and Health Resources
Trying to find information about a specific topic, condition, community, or field? Find a report, organization, or school dedicated to the study and research of that particular topic. One way to do this is to Google the subject you are interested in. An example of this would be if I wanted to find research on the impact of climate change on food insecurity in India. I Google "food security" AND "climate change" AND India and find the report Climate Change and Food Security in India. This Report has information from many different resources, so not only is the report useful but the bibliography will also lead to other pertinent sources and I can investigate the think tank that the report was completed for.
Another strategy is to look for news coverage of your topic to see if they mention organizations involved in the field. You can do a similar search as above but limit to News.
Can't find what you are looking for? Ask a librarian for more help!
See our Keyword vs. Subject Searching box (on this guide) for more information.
Due to the specific nature of research and the interdisciplinary nature of this class, there are a multitude of Subject Terms you might want to use, depending on your topic, but here are a few to get you started.
Related Subject Terms:
Due to the specific nature of research and the interdisciplinary nature of this class, there are a multitude of Subject Headings you might want to use, depending on your topic, but here are a few to get you started.
Information is created in different formats and at varying times. The formats are usually dependent on the time in which the information is being produced. This process is sometimes called the Information Cycle or Timeline.
Some forms of information do not adhere to this timeline, but rather can be created or modified at any time (for example: social media posts or online encyclopedias).
For more detailed information on these formats see the TRU (Thompson Rivers University) Libraries Information Cycle page.
For more information about utilizing resources from different time periods see our Primary Sources box.
We are indebted to the VIU (Vancouver Island University) Library Information Cycle page for some of this content.
For more information see our Evaluating Resources page on this guide or our Evaluating Information guide.
See the Original Research & Research Methods page on this guide for detailed information on research methods.