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Academic Integrity & Avoiding Plagiarism: Scholarly Communication

Use this guide to navigate issues of academic integrity and scholarly communication.

Open Access




What is Open Access?

Simply put open access offers access to content for free. Open access can be useful for your research but it is also something for you to think about as you create your own work.

There are two types of Open Access that you can use to make your work freely available

  1. Green OA refers to access provided through self-archiving, often with an institutional repository, such as Digital Commons @ Sarah Lawrence (see the box to the right on this page for more information).
  2. Gold OA refers to access provided through publication in an open access forum, whether a journal or a monograph.

See some of the resources below for more information.

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What is Scholarly Communication?


Digital Commons

At Sarah Lawrence we have an institutional repository, Digital Commons, which brings together and makes accessible the scholarly and creative output of the College community in one location.

Something to think about:

For graduate students, your thesis may already be available through ProQuest (for a cost) and Interlibrary Loan, but through Digital Commons you could house your work with other Sarah Lawrence community members and control how your work is accessed. Digital Commons preserves your work and allows you to make it freely available through open access to scholars, artists, researchers, and potential employers.

You are already a part of the scholarly community - your work is already available - the next step is to consider if you want it to be open access.

Find more information on our

Digital Commons Guide

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